Calm Business Review

Making Time For Reflection

On this eve of the new year, I will be taking some time to reflect. I have some favorite tools and rituals that I return to each year and wanted to share them with you, should you be inspired to join me.

I have long followed Susannah Conway, a UK-based writer and creator of personal development e-courses, who puts out a *free* Unravel Your Year workbook. She is big on setting intentions over resolutions, which I find particularly appealing and have adopted. She turned me on to the idea of selecting a Word of the Year, a kind of thematic word that encompasses what you want to birth in the unfolding new year. I'm now on my 12th word of the year! Mine came to me a couple of months ago and is already creating magic. It's a powerful practice that you can learn more about here, with Susannah's workbook devoted to finding your unique word (also *free*).

I am adding Kerstin Martin's Calm Business Review workbook to the mix as well. I'm curious to do a deeper dive with my intentions around my business. I've always followed my intuition and grown my work life in an organic way, so I am curious to see what this reflection and mindfulness might bring. (By the way, Kerstin also created the Eule Planner for business owners. For those of you who like bullet journaling, this could be a great option for you!)

What are your new year's rituals? I'd love to hear.

If you are curious to take a peek at the upcoming workshops and retreat in 2022, I invite to you check out what's brewing. The winter sessions for the Unlocking Your Story workshop begin the second week of January and there are still a couple spots open in the Tuesday group!

Also, if you feel like gifting yourself (or someone else) a writing challenge for the year, you can sign up for The Daily Prompt which delivers a writing prompt directly to your in-box each day for the year. Use code "2022" for a $10 discount if you sign up by midnight January 1st!

I'll be back in the New Year with more interviews and info + resources, always aiming to keep you in the loop with what's happening in the world of memoir and storytelling. I love sharing what comes across my desk and what piques my interest.

Wishing you all good things this coming year,
