May Magick 2019

May Magick 2019

I have been invited to participate in an online global community project entitled May Magick. Now in its third year, this month-long event encourages us to pause, reflect, and embrace the *magic* around us.

Canadian artist and entrepreneur Alauna Whelan, creator of May Magick, has gathered 30 women from around the world to contribute daily offerings on single word prompts (see the list below). For those who subscribe—it's free!—you'll receive an email each day for the month of May composed of these unique, heart-centered reflections.

We were asked: 

What's at the heart of what you do?
What lights you up?
How did you get here?
What brings you joy?
How do you embrace what you do?

These are big questions, but fortunately my word prompt captured the very essence of why I do what I do.

Sign up for May Magick HERE.

In the meantime, you can read more about what inspired Alauna to found this gathering space in her message below. She has also created a private Facebook group for us to share the experience and invites you to interpret the prompts yourself by posting on Instagram using the hashtag #maymagick2019.

I hope you'll join me, I suspect it will light up your May!

May Magick

A month of sharing from the heart

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Message from Alauna:

“May is a transitional time for many of us. Here in the northern hemisphere Spring is in full swing and we find ourselves counting down the days to summer. This often translates to feeling more social and getting out into the fresh air. For those in the southern hemisphere, you are preparing to go within and cocoon, greeting the shorter days as a means to ground, reflect, and release.

My intention for this community project is to create space to gather, take pause, connect with our inner voice, and bravely share our passions. My hope is that by collectively standing together and sharing our hearts, we can gain traction and give ourselves permission to take up space in this world.

This project acts as a permission slip, allowing us to exhale and appreciate all the magick both within us and all around us each day.

Magick is our willingness to have courage, to maintain hope, and to go after what we want. It is found and cultivated in the liminal spaces. It’s the air in our lungs, the fire in our hearts, the blood in our veins, and the earth beneath our feet. It’s our truth woven into the stories and passions we share with others.

I hope this month will spark something for each of us. I hope it will assist us to unearth where our desires and passions lie, that it might act as a catalyst to claim what is ours. And finally, I hope it will weave intricate webs of admiration, connection, and inspiration.

If you are longing to rekindle your inner fire, to connect with your story, and to share from the heart, I invite you to join us on this month long journey.”

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Alauna Whelan is an artist and creative entrepreneur living on the Canadian Prairies. She makes handcrafted goods for women to support, empower and transform.

“My intention is that each time you receive a package from me you feel seen, understood, and beautiful; allowing you to more fully embrace your divine femininity.”

To learn more about Alauna, visit her website.
